Tag Archives: color

Bringing in Spring

Before the temperature even bumped its way back up this week, these lovely blooms made their way to me. Bright and colorful, we brought in spring, uplifted moods, and daydreamed of milder days.

bright blooms, spring, warm after long cold winter

Spring isn’t my favorite season, but there is no denying the welcoming presence of a few bright, bold flowers.


Color Perception

I start paying a lot of attention to my vision right before a visit to the ophthalmologist. In the days leading up to it, I find myself carefully observing my eyesight- what I see, how well I see, how dry my eyes are… I get caught up in following my floaters–almost voraciously, obsessively tracking those grey and black amorphous blobs, dancing in a sound-free symphony. My latest visit was on Thursday, and immediately after getting a clean bill of eye health- retina intact, no change in vision- I’m faced with the ocular issue of the century:



….. Is the dress white and gold, and black and blue?

white and gold dress black and blue dress

white & gold? black or blue? You know, THAT dress, uggghhh!!

If only I had seen this societal crazy-making before my ophthalmologist visit. I surely would have asked him about it. Though I may not really care what the “science” behind it is. I don’t like for my senses to be played with this way!

Fancy Rubber Gloves

I have a thing for colorful, “fancy” gloves. The ones in the nice colors,  with the printed cuffs. It makes cleaning so much more bearable.

My latest set:

Bring some color to your cleaning!

Bring some color to your cleaning!

Reviving a Pedicure

I didn’t have time to go for a pedicure this past week (though my feet and psyche could really use the pampering), but unfortunately for me, more than half the polish from my right big toenail decided to come off. Not to be one to allow such a chipped debacle to be seen by anyone other than me, I made do with one of the three bottles of nail polish that I actually own. This one was closest to the color I already had on. While it in no way “blends in”, I was kind of surprised at liking the effect. I know I won’t fool anyone into thinking it was done on purpose, but the “look” amused me. So I leave it here for you to see as well.

Silly pedicure revamp

Silly pedicure revamp


Throughout the summer, the bushes lining the parking lot at our local gym (which is on the grounds of a nature trail) had been bursting with raspberries. It did not seem like many were taking advantage of this luxe freebie, but we managed to snag several handfuls of delicious berries. It made going to the gym far more fun.

I even started to bring a container to put them in so I could take them home.

fresh, raspberries, fresh raspberries

Bonus- look really closely and see if you can find the heart-shaped one!

It was definitely a highlight of the summer. I loved the feeling of the waxy contours against my fingertips as I picked the berries, the instances when a little too strong of a touch released some of the juices, the little burst of flavor upon eating them.

I’ve found myself missing the days of those bright juicy berries once they were gone. I now have a reason to actually look forward to summer. I should probably start collecting a few recipes so I’m all ready once the raspberries pop up again for the season.

Ordinary Objects with Personality

I’m not one for knick-knacks all around the home. They tend to be nothing more than dust collectors, so I try to keep them at a minimum. Of course I do have a few choice objects that complement the rest of my home decor, but rather than clutter my home with lots of little figurines and placeholders, I prefer to purchase everyday usable (and usually consumable) items that have flair.

Journals, notebooks, and files with fun, colorful prints are ways I bring patterns and artistic flair into my life without adding clutter and chaos to the tops of my furniture.

Stylish folders

Stylish folders

I’m also not one for dozens of paper snippets attached to my refrigerator with a bevy of souvenir magnets. Lucky for me, my unmagnetizable stainless steel refrigerator does not even allow for magnets of any kind- they all just slip off.

On occasion though, I do have a hankering for the chance to hang up a visual reminder of my to-do list for the week, or an invitation for an upcoming event. So over the weekend, I wound up purchasing a magnetic clipboard, at Pier 1 Imports (for which I used a 15% off coupon!) which I hung on the wall thanks to the help of a Command hook.

magnetic clipboard, Pier 1 imports, no clutter

Magnetic clipboard

My saunter through the local Pier 1 store was a banquet of beautiful, exotic items that tantalized my sights. Just being around the different colors and prints is such an inspiring and uplifting experience for me and my stimulus-soaked senses!

I’ve already put the clipboard to use, tasking it with holding the invitations to a couple of upcoming events:

clipboard with invitations

It matches the style of my home perfectly and has the right mix of “contemporary”, “global”, and “whimsy” that I so love. It is not only nice to look at but functional.

What are some ways you bring colors, patterns, and/or texture to your home without creating clutter? Share in the comments if you are so inclined!

Happy 1st Day of Sweater!

If memory serves me correctly, today is the first day I’ve worn a sweater since the start of summer. Since the temps are below 70 today, I figured it was the perfect time to pull this out of the closet. I always like wearing it cinched with a belt and think it gives the garment an interesting shape that way.

Sweater weather

Sweater weather

I almost caved and got a pumpkin spice latte (the ultimate in “it’s fall!” indicators) today, but opted to forgo it. While the (short) walk to the cafe would have been nice, I’d be canceling out all the calories I burned from the walk by ingesting the pumpkin coffee goodness. So maybe next time. For now I’m enjoying my flouncy cinched cardigan and dreaming of fall breezes until I’m done at the office today.

Sweater Weather better weather Christmas Tree Shops

Sweater Weather Better Weather